How to use yoga blocks

In poses like forward fold or triangle pose, place blocks under your hands to bring the floor closer, maintaining a straight spine.
Balancing poses:

Use blocks under your hands in balancing poses like tree pose or half moon pose to improve stability and balance.
Seated poses:

Sit on a block to elevate your hips in seated poses, reducing strain on the lower back and making it more comfortable.

Support your back in backbends by placing blocks under your hands in poses like cobra or bridge pose to lift the chest with more control.

Place a block under your hand in twisted poses to help maintain proper spinal alignment and deepen the twist gradually.

Use blocks to support your head in inversions like headstand or handstand, gradually building strength and confidence.
Hip openers:

Modify hip-opening poses like pigeon pose by using blocks under your hands or sitting on blocks to make the pose more accessible.

Sit on a block during meditation to elevate your hips and make it more comfortable for an extended period.

Experiment with block placement to customize your practice. Adjust the height and positioning to suit your body and comfort level.
Breathing and relaxation:

Use blocks as props in restorative poses, allowing the body to relax and release tension while focusing on deep breathing.